ITANAGAR, March 13 : The Special Investigation cell (SIC) Vigilance of Arunachal Pradesh Police which is investigating the recent question paper leakage of Arunachal Pradesh state Board (APSB) examination has appealed to the general public to share any information related to paper leakage.
In a press release issue, the SIC said that ‘ the SIC is investigating the case with reference to SIC/PS/V No, 02/2022 U/S-406/420/381/120(B) IPC R/W-Sec 13 (1)(a) & 13(2) PC Act which pertain to the question paper leakage of Class VIII of Arunachal Pradesh state board examination (APSBE)’.
The Principal of Dirang valley public school (DVPS) in West Kameng district has been arrested. The release said.
“ If any kind of question paper leakage has been reported in any other district need to be known to the SIC and SIC request one and all to come forward and share any information with regard to the leakage of question paper to the OC SIC Police station at mobile no-9436040055 or to IO Inspector B Krong at mobile no-9436040021” The release said.
The identity of the informant will be kept secret. The SIC added.