Daporijo Division witnessed a groundbreaking event as the Urban Development and Housing Department joined forces with the Arunachal Pradesh Women’s Welfare Society (APWWS), Daporijo, and the Women Welfare Association (WWA) Tawang to organize a one-day awareness cum training program on effective waste management at the community level. The program placed particular emphasis on the principles of reducing, reusing, and recycling (3R) plastic waste.
The distinguished guests for the occasion were Shri Taniya Soki, the Hon’ble MLA of the 24-Daporijo Assembly Constituency, who graced the event as the Chief Guest, and Smt. Nabam Yahi Tad, the Hon’ble Vice-Chairperson of the Arunachal Pradesh State Commission for Women (APSCW), who attended as the Guest of Honour. Er. Taniya Soki, the Chief Guest, lauded the organizing team for their pioneering efforts in waste management, highlighting that it was the first such initiative in the district. He pledged unwavering support for this noble cause.
Smt. Nabam Yahi Tad, the Guest of Honour, emphasized the importance of women’s involvement in promoting cleanliness in the town and reducing plastic usage. She urged women to actively participate in this endeavor.
During the program, Smt. Tashi Wangmu, the Convener of the Women Welfare Association Tawang, shared the journey of the WWA Tawang in tackling plastic waste management in the area. She expressed gratitude for the opportunity to showcase the remarkable work of the Women Welfare Association, which operates under the dynamic leadership of Hon’ble MLA Lungla, Smt. Tsering Lhamu, who also serves as the chairperson of the Women Welfare Association in Tawang. Another resource person, Smt. Choten Lhamu, the Secretary of the Women Welfare Association Jung, delivered a presentation on effective waste management at the community level, emphasizing the 3R principles for plastic waste.
Adv. Kani Nada Maling, the President of the APWWS (Central Executive Committee), highlighted the pivotal role women can play in protecting the environment. Several other prominent figures, including Smt. Yabom Lida Kodak, General Secretary of the Daporijo Branch, Vice-President Smt. Bandana Nasi Doyom, and Publicity Secretary Yater Lida Nilling, also addressed the gathering. Representatives from various organizations, including Dapo Ane CLF, Rege Doge PLF Sippi, Chitum Ane PLF, Lotus Producer Group PLF Dumporijo, Rublik Rublin SHG, Bagang Ane Welfare Society, Tagin Cultural Society, and the Women Wing, were present at the event.
This comprehensive program on waste management not only educated the community about the importance of sustainable practices but also encouraged active participation, especially from women, in ensuring the cleanliness and environmental well-being of the town. The collaboration between government departments and women’s welfare organizations signifies a significant step towards fostering a cleaner and greener future for Daporijo Division.