A week-long Mega Alpkalin Vistarak Yojna, organized by BJP Arunachal Pradesh, reached its culmination at DK Conventional Hall in Itanagar. The Reporting and Valedictory Function saw the participation of over 1030 Alpkalin Vistarak who completed their assignments across the State’s various Districts.
Nalong Mize, State General Secretary cum Convenor of the yojna, delivered the welcome address, shedding light on the aims and objectives of the alpkalin (Short-Term) vistarak yojna by BJP Arunachal Pradesh.
The valedictory function featured around 1030 vistaraks from 60 assembly constituencies who shared their experiences and insights gained during their tours across different districts of Arunachal Pradesh. Expressing gratitude to the Party for organizing the practical program, the vistaraks emphasized the value of the learning experience.
Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein urged the vistaraks to strengthen the party at the grassroots level, emphasizing the importance of ideological-based politics for fair elections. He encouraged dedication and hard work, predicting the Party’s return to power in 2024 under the dynamic leadership of Shri Pema Khandu.
Addressing the upcoming elections, BJP President Biyuram Waghe urged vistaraks to prepare for the polls, advising voters to support official BJP candidates based on the party’s development model and performance over the past decade.
Former President and Advisor to CM General Secretary (Org.) Ananta Narayan Mishra, along with virtual addresses by National Secretary BJP Rituraj Sinha and Ajay Jamwal, General Secretary (Org) for Madhya Pradesh, added further insights to the program.
Biri Santi Nido ZPC Kamle, a member of BJP Alpkalin Vistarak Yojna, concluded the event with a vote of thanks.