Roing: The Lower Dibang Valley police achieved a breakthrough by apprehending two prime accused from Assam in connection with the bank robbery case that took place at the Dambuk branch of Apex Bank on April 10, 2023. The robbers, wearing masks, broke into the bank using a gas cutter, cut off the CCTV connection, and fled with a sum of Rs. 19,69,740 from the bank vault.
The District Superintendent of Police, Smt. Akanksha Yadav, IPS, praised the efforts of SI Gemo Jini and the investigative team, who utilized various human and tech intelligence methods to track down the culprits involved in multiple bank robbery and loot cases across Arunachal, Assam, Meghalaya, and Nagaland.
The arrested individuals, Faijul Islam (35) and Harmuj Ali (34), both residents of Assam, confessed to their involvement in the robbery and disclosed their gang’s participation in several other similar crimes. The police are actively pursuing the remaining suspects, and raids are ongoing to bring them to justice.
The Lower Dibang Valley Police, led by Inspector B. Mingki under the supervision of DySP W. Ramwa, have been lauded for their dedicated efforts in apprehending the criminals responsible for the Apex Bank robbery and breaking up the robbery gang operating in the region. Further investigation into the case is underway.