RAGA, The Kamle District Health Society (DHS), led by DRCHO Dr Kapu Sopin, organized an awareness programme on rabies, a vaccine-preventable viral disease, especially due to animal bite at Hutho Middle School, Raga on Monday. The programme was arranged under the National Rabies Control Programme (NRCP).
Attending the awareness programme, BDO of Tamen CD Block cum chairman, Arunachal Vikas Parishad, Kamle district unit, Lumdik Lipin applauded the efforts of the District Health Society and asked for more such awareness programme in different schools of the district as the students are exposed to the risk of animal bites as they have to undertake foot march to attend their schools.
As reported by the DRCHO, the awareness programme was necessitated following reports of a rabies epidemic in some districts due to bites by rabies-infected animals.
Dr Sopin and Dr Dari Tallang (SVO, Raga) attending as resource persons imparted knowledge on dos and don’ts in event of animal bites and how to seek medical help and importance of vaccination to the pet animals. (DIPRO)