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DDMO visited Deepak Nabam Living Home

ITANAGAR, JUNE 7 : The District disaster management officer (DDMO) Incharge Tem Kaya alongwith his subordinate officer has visited the Deepak Nabam Living Home, {Home for no home) at senki park area of Itanagar and meet the functionaries.

Kaya interacted the functionaries enquire about the loss and damaged caused due to landslide on wee hours of Sunday. He assess the loss and damaged caused and other hardship due to landslide in the campus.

Kaya inform that all the household of the mentally challenged people has been buried due to massive landslide, accordingly I have submitted the report to the concern authority.

However the authority of the Deepak Nabam Living home has been requested to submit a representation to the Itanagar EAC for further onward action to get any relief from the department. Kaya added.

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