ITANAGAR, The health department is planning to complete the vaccination drive of 15 to 18 years age category within next 10 days. Talking to the press here on Monday the State Nodal officer for covid immunization Dr Dimong Padung said vaccination for children in the age category of 15 to 18 years have started in the state.
“Within next 10 days we will try to complete first dose vaccination of this age group. Direction and advisory has been send to form vaccination team and there would be around 120 team with five member each. Our team will visit schools across the state and in coordination with school authorities launch vaccination drive, we have a target of around ninety eight thousand,” informed Dr Padung. Further Dr Padung shared that in the 18 years above category so far 80 percent population have taken first dose and 65 percent 2nd dose.
“Our vaccine coverage is good and we are hopeful that it helps in the battle against possible third wave of Covid 19,” he added.
Dr Padung also urged people to continue to maintain Covid appropriate behaviour. “The third wave might come back in big number in the state. The state government is focused on preventing it. I also appeal whoever has not got vaccine please to get vaccinated at the earliest,” said Dr Padung.