ITANAGAR, APRIL 18 : A social service was held in Jullang area with the help and support of IMWA Social service secretary Jina Tassar alongwith the members of Jully valley youth welfare association.
The IMWA Social service secretary Jina Tassar informed that a social service which was much needed in the area was held on Monday and several youth of the JVYWA and local residents of Jullang panchayat also extended support in the mission.
Several big potholes were filled up with the help of sandgravels and soil from District jail to Richi village around 3 km stretch of rural roads. He said.
JCB was also pressed into service, scraped the top muddy hard lumpy layer and spread sand gravel on the road and filled the two big puddles which was a two wheeler falling zone near central jail. Jina Tassar added.