Itanagar, Under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar, the State Level Empowered Committee (SLEC) approved an estimated investment of Rs. 54.94 Crores for the Dudunghar Rurban Cluster under the Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission.
The Chief Secretary opined the objective must be to develop the Dudunghar Cluster into a cluster of villages that preserve and nurture the essence of rural community life with focus on equity and inclusiveness without compromising with the facilities perceived to be essentially urban in nature, thus creating a cluster of “Rurban Villages”, which is also the vision of the Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission (SPMRM).
The Chief Secretary directed the State Nodal Agency-RD Department that economic activities must become the central focus in all the 4 Tribal Rurban clusters, including Dudunghar (earlier, the SLEC approved the DPR for the Tuting, Nafra, and Richukrong Tribal Clusters of Arunachal Pradesh).
The Chief Secretary emphasized on holistic approach viz-a-viz the development of the Dudunghar Cluster and directed the RD Department to ensure that the economic activities are not just limited to construction of assets but also comprise sustainable livelihood operations resulting in increase in local employment, rural tourism and improvement in region’s economy.
The Chief Secretary advised to incorporate local architectural design and materials in the buildings to promote the aesthetic of the region.
He suggested that instead of taking up multiple projects, emphasis should be given on area specific schemes. For example, to tap the potential and strengthen economic development of the Dudunghar Cluster, Home-Stays should be promoted as it has the potential to become one of the major tourist destinations considering its scenic beauty and rural setup, he said.
The Chief Secretary further opined that the ownership of the assets constructed may be given to local groups/ SHGs/community to enhance sustainability.
He also directed that the Cluster development activities must also focus on handholding, mentoring and guiding the operations and maintenance of all the projects undertaken in the respective cluster.
The Detailed Project Report presented by the Secretary RD Amarnath Talwade with 6 components, namely, Tourism Promotion, Agri-Services & Processing and Allied activities, Skill Development, Road Connectivity, Piped Water Supply, and Sanitation was approved with partial modification.
Commissioner WCD and SJETA Padmini Singla, Secretary UD Mithali Namchoom, Director RD Kego Jilen and others were present in the Meeting.