Arunachal Pradesh’s own Paklu Taipodia has etched her name in glory at the Fitness International Federation (FIF) event, held in Malaysia from November 25th to 26th, 2023. The talented athlete not only secured the prestigious Miss Asia Overall Title but also showcased her prowess with a Gold medal in Ms. Asia Gluten Models, a Silver in Ms. Asia Bikini Model, and a Bronze in Miss Asia Sports Model.
Hailing from the northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh, Paklu’s journey to victory has been nothing short of inspirational. Her triumphs were not limited to the competition stage; she also earned the distinguished status of an International Professional Card holder, underscoring her commitment to excellence.
In a proud moment for the entire region, Paklu’s success contributed significantly to the stellar performance of the Indian team, led by the adept Dr. Harmindar Dulowal. The team clinched a remarkable total of 10 medals—3 Gold, 4 Silver, and 3 Bronze. Dr. Dulowal, serving as FIF Indian President and International Judge, has proven instrumental in nurturing and guiding talents like Paklu on the international stage.