ITANAGAR, DEC 26 : The Capital Deputy Commissioner Talo Potom on Monday meet and interacted the leaders of Brahma Kumari who are working for world peace though meditation
The team led by Itanagar based Brahma kumari Manager Junu Kumari (June), RGU Professor Dr. Jayadeba Sahoo, Brahma Kumari Director Mr Meharchand, Sitaram Meena, a Retd (IES), K. K. Harish, Coordinator and administrator, service wing, Brahma Kumari, Mount Abu Rajasthan, Jt. Director medical education Dr Sopai Tawsik and others. the team discussed on several issue related to stress management and peace of mind for a good health and spirit.
DC Potom speaking to media said that every in this world unable to spare special time to go for exercise and gym. Few couldn’t effort for gym and have no time to do so as busy in official, business and family life and are facing with lots of disease and died at very young age and also face difficulties. He said.
The Brahma Kumari organization I know is associating with maintaining a good health and sound mind so to maintain a good health and sound mind meditation is required and the team of Brahma Kumari today briefed as how to maintain a peace of mind which help to maintain a good health and sound mind. He said.
He assured all support to the organization in the course of imparting meditation to the people. DC Potom added.