ITANAGAR, Jul 30: In yet another instance of Assam Forest and police officials harassing the people of Arunachal living along the inter-state boundary, a group of officials from Assam on Friday destroyed properties inside Arunachal territory here at Lora village under Papum Pare district. The Assam officials destroyed newly planted tea saplings of one Ngurang Soli and paddy fields of the Lora village under Kimin circle.
The Papum Pare SP Neelam Nega while briefing media informed that on learning about the eviction drive by Assam officials inside Arunachal territory, he immediately raised the matter with his Lakhimpur district counterpart. “The SP Lakhimpur was not informed. But he immediately reacted and stopped the activities of Assam officials,” said SP Nega.
The Arunachal police along with a circle officer also reached the spot. Later the Assam officials went back. On Saturday Papum Pare rural SDPO Rike Kamsi will visit the area.
Meanwhile local youth leader of the area inform that the team of officials with police personnel and forest officials form Assam side has damaged the extended tea garden and paddy field of Ngurang Soli and also damaged the fencing in afternoon and left from the scene before reaching of the officers and police from Kimin.