ITANAGAR, The Arunachal Pradesh Police (APP) launched the first of its kind online portal in the country, dedicated to the people of the state. The portal was launched under the aegis of Crime and Criminal Tracking Network System (CCTNS) a brain child of the Special Investigation Team (SIT) along with the IT department.
The facility was launched by Chief Secretary, Naresh Kumar along with Rajeev Verma, Principal Secretary Home, amongst all the senior APP delegates.
Chuku Apa, IG gave away the opening remarks, appreciating the efforts of Rohit Rajbir Singh, SP SIT and the IT department, for the successful launch of the portal.
Apa also took pride in mentioning that with the launch of the APP portal, the police administration will now be able to perform and deliver more efficiently, whilst maintaining all the necessary records, stored securely in the portal’s cloud.
Rohit Rajbir Singh, explained the operational interface of the online portal, demonstrating all the functions, facilities, merits and limitations of the software. Rohit further added that the SIT is currently working on a mobile application of the portal for IOS and Android devices.
Rohit expressed his gratitude to the partners in creating the portal, i.e. NCRB, NIC, KPMG and BSNL.
Rohit informed that the portal will basically have 9 user friendly services, designed for the convenience of the citizens, which will include facilities like; complaint registration, character certification, employee verification, procession request, event/performance request, protest/strike request, tenant verification, domestic help verification and FIR download.
Rohit further informed that currently with this approach, the APP has stepped into smart service and the department will soon be recruiting more IT professionals to meet the demands of the future impending workloads.